Moving Within The Circle, 2nd Ed.

by Bryan Burton

Native American Music and Dance

In the fifteen years since the release of the first edition of Moving Within The Circle, Burton - himself part Choctaw - has continued his exploration of contemporary Native American music, adding a wealth of material to an already impressive collection of traditional and recently created music.

The 36 songs and dances in this edition are in active use in Native communities and were taught directly to the author by members of the Apache, Haliwa-Saponi, Lakota, Oneida, Seneca, and Zuni tribes, to name just a few. Selections for guided listening were contributed by numerous well-known contemporary recording artists.

Moving Within The Circle offers a unique opportunity for educators to experience a wide variety of styles and genres ranging from traditional cedar flute melodies to a concert recording of a hard-driving rock anthem.

The optional set of 20 downloadable color images with teacher's guide includes photos of the countryside, pow-wows, instruments, and individuals.

Click here to go to the Downloads page now.

Moving Within The Circle - Native American Music & Dance - 2nd Ed. Book/CD
Moving Within The Circle - Native American Music & Dance - 2nd Ed. Bk/CD/Dwnld Images
Moving Within The Circle - Native American Music & Dance - Hard Copy Bk/Downloadable Audio
Audio download is104.7MB
Song Title
I Walk In Beauty
Pueblo Round Dance
Intertribal Dance
When I Was Young
Rabbit Dance: Uncle Sam
O Hal'lwe